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Writer's pictureLBCC Classified Senate

Communication Corner - October 22, 2020

Greetings, Classified Professionals!

Well, here we are, seven months in, and by accounts, Classified have been working heroically under these unprecedented circumstances. We have been creative, flexible, and determined to help our students get through this. And more than ever, we are proud of as well as concerned about all our colleagues who are essential workers.

Thanks to the Professional Development Committee (the AFT Union E-Board and HR) for a great Professional Development Day on 9/22. We loved the separate tracks for keeping a healthy mindset and technology. We also loved that Classified Professionals Amy La, Brianna Reyes, and Jonathan Tejada were presenters! Here are the recorded Breakout Sessions.


Our latest Close Up is……… this link to find out!

Here is a link to the form send to your colleagues so they can be featured in a Classified Close Up!


Keep checking your email every Monday morning for notification on our weekly events, Hello Monday! Tech Tuesdays, and Wellness Wednesdays, which are open to all Classified to enjoy as part of break time, and usually last about a half hour. if you are interested in hosting a Hello Monday! or a Wellness Wednesday, please send an email to Sundee Dominguez at Thank you to everyone that has participated!

WHAT ARE THE DIFFERENCES BETWEEN CLASSIFIED SENATES AND CLASSIFIED UNIONS? We are so grateful for our excellent relationship with the Classified Union. But we still get a lot of questions about the differences between Classified Senates and Classified Unions. Here is an infographic, designed by our Communications Coordinator Alexis Redmond, that explains it all.


There will be a detailed e-mail coming out soon about opportunities to represent the Classified Senate on participatory governance committees.

Here are the committees with openings:

Adult Education 1 Classified representative from Admissions and Records or Student Support Services Enrollment Management Oversight Committee 1 Enrollment Specialist Grants Advisory Committee 1 Representative Student Success Committee 1 Representative



As part of the Framework for Reconciliation, LBCC has engaged the California Conference for Equality and Justice (CCEJ) to facilitate three listening sessions. The faculty listening session occurred on October 9, and we are scheduling a listening session for staff and one for students in the coming weeks. Staff will have the opportunity to discuss in an open and honest forum their individual and shared experience with racism at the interpersonal, cultural, and systemic levels within the College. Listening session dialogues will occur in racial affinity groups, or groups organized around a racial identity shared by all participants, and will be offered in: Bi/Multiracial (Note: this group is for people who are biologically connected to more than one racial group), Black/African American, Latinx, Pacific Islander/Asian/Desi, and White. Objectives include sharing meaningful experiences with racism and racial justice within LBCC community, building connections with others who share a racial identity, and practicing building intentional culture where discussion and reflection of racial identities, racism, and racial justice occur routinely and honestly. Please watch your e-mail for an invitation and RSVP link to participate.


Please read to the email you received from Sundee Dominguez, our representative to Viking Pathways, that was sent Monday, October 19 at 4 pm. She is looking for feedback from Classified who work in all areas of the campus. The committee needs to fresh eyes to provide input and feedback. Contact Sundee if you have any questions, at


EMPLOYEE WELLNESS COMMITTEE: THE WELL SPOT For more information and inspiration, head over to The WELL Spot for LBCC Employees on our Canvas page where you can access ZOOM links to “off the mat” and “on the mat” live yoga practices, Monday Movement & Motivation videos, as well as other resources to encourage daily healthy habits and well-being. Please note that the yoga sessions have updated start times.

Tuesdays “off the mat” sessions: 1:30 pm–2 pm Zoom link

Fridays “on the mat” sessions: 1:30 –2:30 pm Zoom link

NEW LBCC CHAT HUB FEATURE TO ASSIST STUDENTS Tell your students that If they have questions for Admissions and Records, Counseling, Financial Aid, Student Affairs, Student Technology Help Desk, Transfer Center or the Welcome Center, they should check out the new LBCC Chat Hub to get their questions answered by the LBCC team.

VIKING FIT CLUB OPEN TO STUDENTS, FACULTY & STAFF The Viking Fit Club is a program for all students and colleagues to get rewarded for fitness training. Download the Strava app (and/or an app that is compatible with the Strava platform), create an account, join the Viking Fit Club on the App and upload your daily runs, walks, bike rides, roller skating, etc. to your portal. Your progress will be tracked for each mile and awards will be given on points collected.


Winter: Online Schedule Available Now • Open Registration: 10/19/20 Spring: Online Schedule Available 11/16/20 • Open Registration: 12/4/20

HELPFUL FAQ AVAILABLE TO ALL COLLEAGUES WORKING REMOTELY  This FAQ from Administrative & Business Services provides information for LBCC employees working remotely. Questions are grouped under “Technology,” “Fiscal/Purchasing,” and “Mail Services/Reprographics” including everything from email, to reprographics to purchasing, rules, deadlines and much more.

But wait, there’s more!

Do you want to include an item in the next Communication Corner? E-mail C.C. or one of your Senate representatives.

Classified Senate Council Members:

Contact C.C. directly if you have any questions about an item here:

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